I know many of you are familiar with Demo data import, in this post I would like to share how to import Demo Data into AX2012 R3 and the issues that user may come across while importing.
Prerequisites :
I know many of you are familiar with Demo data import, in this post I would like to share how to import Demo Data into AX2012 R3 and the issues that user may come across while importing.
Prerequisites :
- Installed AX 2012 R3
- Data Transfer tool installed (can download it from AX 2102 Test Data transfer Tool)
- Install MicrosoftDynamicsAXR3DemoDatav2 (Download from PartnerSource)
Steps to install :
- Once the ZIP file is downloaded open it and run, you will find the Wizard
- Provide the path for installation,
- You can find the below files got created in the given folder.
Let us look how to import data.
Run the MicrosoftDynamicsAXR3DemoDatav2.exe file downloaded from partner source it will extract 3 types of files into the given Path.
You can see three types of files OUT, OUTMODEL & XML.
Steps to Import Data :
- Open your AX instance and Import the MetadataXMLGenerator.Xpo file from Data Transfer Tool folder.
- Compile the XPO file and run it
- It will create Metadata file in the temporary folder.
- Copy and paste the Metadata file from Temp folder to [Lists] folder in Data Transfer Tool.
- Now open your CMD (command prompt) by right click >> Run as Administrator
- Note : You may get error if you don't do this.
- Direct the path of CMD to the folder where Data transfer tool is installed to file DP.exe
- Command should be
- DP.exe IMPORT <FolderPath(with the three types of file exported)> <AXInstanceName> <SQLSERVERINSTANCE>
- Once you run the command system will
Data Imported successfully :)
Now let us check out the issues that we come across while importing.
Issue 1 :
1) If command doesn't include or wrong AX instance is given.
2) If you don't run CMD as administrator.
3) If SQL server instance is not specified.
4) Any special characters in command then include whole command in "" shown below.
It's due to network issue.
Now let us check out the issues that we come across while importing.
Issue 1 :
1) If command doesn't include or wrong AX instance is given.
2) If you don't run CMD as administrator.
3) If SQL server instance is not specified.
4) Any special characters in command then include whole command in "" shown below.
- IMPORT "<FolderPath(with the three types of file exported)> <AXInstanceName> <SQLSERVERINSTANCE>".
- DP.exe IMPORT <FolderPath(with the three types of file expoerted)> <AXInstanceName> <SQLSERVERINSTANCE>
Yes, this issue occurs if your network path sharing is disabled.
Once you come across the error check if you are able to access network path of the folder, in your case just try to open run and check "\\<ServerName>\C$".
It throws an error saying "network path cannot be accessed".
now goto >> Services.msc >>Server start the service.
now try to access you network path "\\<ServerName>\C$" if it works fine go ahead and run DP.exe .
Hope this will resolve the issue.